Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Laptop Insurance and Computer Insurance: Does this protect you?

Laptop Insurance in now recognised as necessary, because most people recognise the risk of a high value laptop that they carry around. Computer Insurance is slightly less obvious in terms of travel risk, but a computer is similarly a high value item at risk from damage and theft.

Laptop insurance has historically covered mostly business customers. Now a new laptop protection and computer protection has just been released, particularly for those who don't want to sign up to a long term contract.

This can be found at

This is specifically designed to protect people who know their laptop or computer has high value but do not want to make a long term commitment. Instead people can protect their laptop or computer on a month by month basis.

Naturally, the value of a laptop or computer declines with age, and the cost of replacement tends to decline with time. So many people do not want to sign up for a long term contract. With this in mind, the latest laptop insurance and computer insurance policies have been developed, such as the 2U Laptop Insurance and 2U Computer Insurance policies.

Duncan Elliott has successfully managed and run the Marketing Dept at and the affiliate system at for the last 6 years.Alisun Blog48559
Anthia Blog28283

How You Can Hit A Home Business Homerun!

How can you hit a home business homerun with an internet business that will earn you a 6-figure home business income within 6-12 months

>>Without having to search endlessly for the ideal product

>>Without having to create your own website from scratch

>>Without having to deal with a hosting company

>>and without having to call prospects???

Simple. You buy a storefront for an existing, highly sought-after, big ticket product, so all you have to do is drive visitors to your website!

And what better internet home business product can you imagine selling than what everybody on the internetprobably including yourself, since youre reading this articleseems to be looking for, than a turnkey home business opportunity!

Yes, these automated home business opportunities come pre-packaged and ready to go. Youre given a website storefront stocked with home business know-how products which lure prospects to your business. But wait! Youre offering not only valuable home business products but the website with which to market them.

These pre-packaged, automated home business opportunities usually run for just under $1,500 to just under $4,000 depending upon your level of ownership but before you go into sticker shock, listen carefully.

You make $1,000 or $3,000 for each sale, after your first qualifying sale.

What? You mean you dont get your first sale?

No. But bear with me. Because the business model forces everyone to forego their first sale, you get $1,000 or $3,000 for each first sale after thisas well as the first qualifying sale each of these people makeas well as the first sale each of these people make ad infinitum.

Yes, suddenly your little home based business is not be so little!

And if youre thinking this is some kind of pyramid or MLM scheme, forget it. This business model has been around for years.

Whats more, these automated home internet businesses are set up so that you dont blow potential sales because youre busy with your current job, or through your lack of sales ability. Anyone filling out a form expressing their interest in your home business opportunity automatically gets a call not from you, but someone hired by the company who knows the home business inside and out! They also get a series of email follow-up sales messages.

Imagine checking your email in box, or the back office of your own slick website and watching the interested prospects lining up!

You can market your home business website by atending online forums, seting up a blog, distributing flyers, telling friends, conducting email campaigns, using lead generation software, write articlestake your pick! One company even offers lead generation software for your website that only costs a small additional monthly fee!

Rest assured, with a product that has proven name value, and the collective marketing clout of other home business owners like yourself promoting it, the search engine rankings suddenly are not the problem they are with most home business start-ups.

You can usually even use your storefront to sell other productseither products recommended by the company, or your own! Its just a matter of inserting the image and domain urls into a form in your back office, and suddenly, youre all linked up and ready to go!

Make no mistake. These out-of-the box automated businesses offer strictly big league profit potential potential that will allow you to send the first pitch out of the ballpark.

For more information, please visit:

Paul Johnson is a successful internet entrepreneur, who has authored and published numerous self-help ebooks on stocks, real estate and work at home business opportunities. For more information, please visit: Blog10376
Aile Blog77796

Legal Thriller Author Analyzes Paper Trails Scams

If 75% of women wear the wrong bra size, and 75% of men wear shirts with the wrong sleeve length, is it any wonder that so many people do not understand paper trails, do not understand their critical roles in con games? Fraud, shell games, scandal-revelation and creation, and rip-offs of every kind flower from this tell-tale debris.

And, alas, most importantly, it is essential to understand how all of this paper trail information is tied together by social security numbers. (For the intent to rob you blind, this information collecting method is, obviously, patently illegal. For the lawn mower manufacturer, in his search for demographics trying to sell you a new riding mower, however, society seems to feel this is O.K)

Spreading like wildfire, with the aid of an internet stage setting, what are paper trails anyhow? Let's be more specific.

Simply put, as they might affect you, they are every sort of record, kept anywhere, that link business transactions back to you. These can be any paper document such as a bill of sale, promissory note, receipt, application, resume filing, customs claim, insurance form, notarized statement, any legal form. These spell out into computer records.

It's largely society's propulsion into the computer / internet era of the 1990s that has brought about this current-day fleshing out of the "paper trail." It's now so efficient that the structural schematic of this thought-police invasion--this total assault on your privacy--should indeed frighten you. What next? you might ask. Will you be marked with a tracking device so the government always knows where you are?

In this day and age it's computers, computers, internet, internet. Far and wide. They are to blame. It's computer records that pull all these bits of paper information together, to the delight of con artists.

Examples: Credit card purchase? Computer. Bank deposit? Computer. House purchase? Computer. And, the list goes on and on. Endlessly.

Take a simple, one-time credit card purchase. This is stored in the bank's computer, as well as several way stations along the path back to your bank, in the network's computers. When you deposit cash into your checking account the information is stored in a computer. when you deposit cash into your savings account the information is stored in a computer. when you buy a house you get a triple-whammy, the transaction is stored in a computer, in paper form, and on microfilm at your county recorder's office. Every time you turn around and blink these days, it seems, something about you is recorded in a computer.

And, sad to say, the common link that pulls all of your business transactions together is your social security number. It is the commonly used identifier of the present day age. By using only your social security number the con man can put together a near-total list of your business transactions stretching back over the years.

So, stealing your ss number--it being the string-tying mechanism which pulls everything together-- then packaging it neatly and presenting your financial affairs to the world as the "whole you"--makes it easy for the con man. These data include such invasion-of-privacy issues as what assets you have, where you shop, what you buy, and what you owe on various credit accounts and loans. The skilled con artist knows precisely how to pull this string.

Unfortunately, too many people today regard this as only a mild irritation, like talking to robots on the phone while trying to make a warranty claim on a defective computer. Red flag! It's far more serious than that So, like it or not, the challenge is on you, to weave, dodge, confuse, and bewilder any scam artist who might be about to stalk you.

How do you do this? How do you fortify your defenses?

You must disrupt your paper trail. This can partially be done in several ways, or combination:

1. A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (seemingly), cash was used. Stash your credit and debit cards. Earmark them for occasional or emergency use only, and for the most part rediscover cash money, paper and coin. Go back to this simpler form of exchange wherever possible. We all feel nostalgia isn't what it used to be, but this step alone will go far toward masking your paper trail.

2. Set up a Trust. This is like turning the porch light on, with nobody home. It somewhat confuses the paper trail by disrupting the con man's view, due to the linkage between you and your Trust. Like the service station attendant washing your windshield with a soapy brush, this will partly obscure the vision of the con man trying to put together a financial profile on you.

3. Refuse to star in the con artist's psychodrama. Go offshore. Not physically. Just export some of your assets This is not considered socially acceptable. Not patriotic, either. But, it's not illegal, and it is most effective. If you make yourself invisible to the bureaucrats--and the scam artists--they will have no address with which to find you. (A page torn from a legal thriller?)

4. You ask, what if the Hokey Pokey is really what it's all about? Incredibly, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that bank records enjoy no privacy protection. That's right, none. They are considered property of the bank, You are not, however required to reveal your social security number when opening a non-interest bearing account, e.g. checking, debit, credit card. So, don't. You are only required to reveal your social security number to a bank when interest-bearing accounts are involved. This is because the bank must report to I.R.S., for tax purposes, on how much they paid you.

5. You can even out-con the con man. Follow the New Hampshire state motto: "Go away and leave us alone." Get yourself a post office box, then write, "Moved, left no forwarding address" on the face of every envelope that the postman tries to deliver to your home. That would certainly leave anyone trying to steal your identity hanging by a quickly-shrinking thread. This would be like giving a seeing-eye sled dog to a blind Eskimo..

These are just a few of the steps you can take to shore up your privacy. These steps will not totally obliterate the scam artist's view of your financial structure. But, it will hinder it to the point of nearly crippling him, leave him babbling to himself, wondering how to write zero in Roman numerals. Consultation with an expert attorney would undoubtedly reveal more avenues of privacy restoration.

If such preventive steps were universally adopted, it would be quite a blow to the scamsters. It would leave con men everywhere quaking in their Hummer SUVs and calling their analysts on their cell phones.

The Con Man's Blog, and first two chapters of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, are now available online. Both readable for free. You are invited. http://www.sixhrs.comAnstice Blog42430
Blisse Blog61234

Child Tax Credit - Are You Eligible and How Much Can You Claim

Child Tax Credit - Are You Eligible And How Much Can You Claim?

In our hectic world today, raising kids can be difficult, particularly when funds are tight. Children are always going to need something, whether it be new clothes or supplies for a school project. Figuring out how to find the money can sometimes be just about impossible. However, there are government benefits that are available to struggling and low income households that may help to lessen the burden in situations like these.

One of these benefits is the Child Tax Credit, which was created and intended to lend a helping hand to families and caregivers of school age children and college students to ensure that the children can get the things they need. This will be especially helpful to low income parents who have children younger than 16 or a young person attending school full time.

This particular Tax Credit is based upon the number of children in your home and also takes into account the total household earnings. As well as getting an overall tax credit for the family, you also can claim a specific amount ofchild benefit for every child who lives in your home. You don't need to be related to the child or children, but you must be the primary caregiver and the children have to reside in your house.

Claiming the Child Tax Credit is extremely simple. When you apply initially, you will have to order a claim pack. You will also need to give proof of your identity, which can be as easy as providing your national insurance number. Once you're approved, your Child Tax Credit can be renewed by mail or telephone. This is done each year and you'll be notified when it's time for you to renew. It's important for you to report any changes in your situation such as even the slightest changes in family size and earnings. If you fail to report changes, you might wind up having to pay back the tax credits that you've received.

You can receive Child Tax Credits in numerous ways. You can have the child allowance paid on a weekly or monthly basis, and it can be transferred into any bank account you indicate. Children's Tax Credits needs to be transferred to the main caretaker's account and can be received by cheque, which will be sent to the address indicated on your application. The child benefit can be claimed additionally with the Working Tax Credit, a government benefit if either you or your partner are working.

If you don't get approved these benefit entitlements, or disagree with your tax credit calculation, you have to right to appeal a tax credit decision. This must be done within 30 days of your denial notification.

Evan Felt is a content writer for who does extensive research on the support and benefit programs available for UK citizens. You can find important information on government benefits, as well as UK allowances, grants and other benefits.Bambi Blog77126
Cacilie Blog70070

The Era Of Online Education

The Internet has broken down language barriers, country boundaries, and learning methods. Today, learning at home is not only possible but highly advisable because the World Wide Web gives students resources that otherwise are not available as fast as the time it takes when a student turns on his or her personal computer.

The era of education online means that your ability to obtain higher education is just a mouse click away. Online education is one of the best options for those who want to get a degree and work at the same time. Within the past ten years, online education and internet training has provided many people with a new incentive to learn.

Online education includes a full spectrum of possibilities starting with early childhood education and including college preparation, or complete learning programs for obtaining a college degree. Online courses open a world of possibilities to people who for any given reason were unable to attend regular school programs, or those whose actual activities and limited time, made it hard to stick to a full-time learning schedule.

Online education is spreading across the globe like a wildfire fueled by textbooks and periodic tables. Millions who previously thought that a college degree was firmly out of their reach have discovered that all it takes to attend college in todays world are the combination of a few free hours each day and access to the Internet.

Online Education Equals Big Business

Originally conceived as a way for adults to earn a college degree later in life than usual, online education or distance learning has spread to the point that people of all ages are now involved. Children as young as the fourth grade level now have access to online education in many areas, using it as a supplement to or in place of traditional classes.

With Online Education Everybody Wins

Part of the appeal to online education is that it is literally good for everyone. Educators can enter a new job market in writing and implementing an online curriculum and can use this income to supplement the earnings that receive from classroom education. Students of all ages have an alternative to traditional classes in which they can learn without the interference of other students behavioral interruptions. Adults who may have missed out on their high school diplomas or college degrees now have the opportunity, through online education, to complete or further their studies without the scheduling problems that may have made this impossible in the past. Finally, online education offers businesses the chance to educate their workforce at a lower cost and the benefit of a generation of computer literate and more highly educated prospective employees entering the job market.

However, online education is not limited to school subjects. Demand for adult education and online courses are some of the most widely available educational resources on the Internet, intended for developing specific skills. Cooking and baking courses, mechanical reparations, interior decoration, are just a few of those quick courses available online.

Another motivation encouraging online education includes foreign languages learning, or just for broadening your culture. Online options are as many as everyone's need; degree programs, online education courses, training certificates and more, including accredited formal education.

Online education saves time, money, and offers opportunity to those who may have never had it in the past. It may truly be the wave of the future. Helping students to succeed in both education and career aspirations, online education is fast becoming a convenient, but credible educational tool of the modern era.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail kateriwhite@gmail.comAdina Blog34267
Betty Blog72397

Internet Marketing - Some Do's and Don'ts

If you're new to internet marketing, it can be quite confusing and overwhelming. You've decided on an idea, done your research and determined that there is a market for your idea, developed a web site and now you're ready to take the plunge into the world of internet marketing.

Internet marketing isn't as complicated as it might seem -- there's no particular mystery to it. You just have to know where to start and what proper steps to take to help get your site seen on the web and ranked by the search engines. The first step in your internet marketing plan is to write a press release announcing your new site and pointing out the benefits and features of it that makes it useful to the public. It doesn't have to be long -- about 300 words or so -- but it does have to sound newsworthy. One thing you should keep in mind is to be sure you have your relevant keywords in the title, subtitle and liberally sprinkled throughout the text. Also, you'll want to write it from a third person point of view and make sure it doesn't sound like an advertisement. Also, keep it mundane, i.e., something suitable for a general audience.

The next step in advancing your internet marketing goals should be to write an article and submit it for online publishing. Again, it doesn't have to be long (about 500 to 800 words). Again, you'll want to have the right keywords in the title and spread throughout the text. For example, this piece has the term internet marketing in the title and interspersed in the body of the text as this is what it is being optimized for. A good place to submit your articles is For a monthly subscription, they'll submit your editorials for you to top sites, thereby giving you great exposure. We've used their services ourselves and found it to be superb. Both the press release and writing articles are two important steps on the road to internet marketing success.

The next stop on the internet marketing highway is to generate some free traffic to your site. Two ways to accomplish this are to post on forums that are relevant to your subject matter (with your URL in your signature line) and getting listed in directories in the appropriate categories. The press release and the article(s) should help to generate a lot of free traffic via the backlinks pointing to your site as they are published and distributed, but hey, the more traffic, the better! Beware of internet marketing services claiming to list your site in a ton of directories -- most aren't worth the money. Also beware of internet marketing companies claiming they can get you high placement on the search engines. We tried this and it didn't work. You may come across yet other internet marketing companies saying they can send targeted traffic to your site for a fee, of course. We tried this, too, and it didn't work either! We have yet to come across any internet marketing company promising this or that who can actually deliver what they say they can by way of placement or traffic.

Basically, what it boils down to is that your internet marketing success is mostly dependent on your own efforts and wisely choosing services and software that will genuinely help you achieve your internet marketing goals.

Murray Williams is one of the owners of HelpfulInternetmarketing, a site that is designed to help the new entrepreneur just starting out. After having met many dead ends in his own internet marketing journeys, he decided to develop this site and assist others by offering quality articles and software that have been screened for their usefulness. To view the site and the articles and software, please visit HelpfulInternetMarketing at: Blog92753
Berty Blog5084

Helping Small Business Consulting Clients in Denial

As a consultant involved in small business consulting, your clients may sometimes ask you why they need the more powerful or larger network you are recommending. Many may say their networks work great most of the time.

Selling Small Business Consulting Clients Fear

When clients question your recommendations or are in denial about their needs, you will often have to sell fear. Talk to the small business consulting client about another customer that trusted his own PC-savvy bookkeeper so much that she was able to steal $50K from the company by covering her trails because no one else was paying attention to the network or its activities. Only the most nave clients will trust every employee and person that has access to the building.

Security In Small Business Consulting

In real life, small business owners don't typically think about security until an emergency arises. It's your responsibility as a small business consulting expert to inform your prospects and clients about the importance of addressing security issues. Ask them to think about sensitive files including credit card numbers, social security numbers, trade secrets, payroll information and annual employee evaluations.

Client Needs

Small business consulting clients often are not thinking big enough when they question your recommendations for a different network. This is the point at which you should take the client through a thorough initial consultation, needs analysis, IT audit and site evaluation.

Often a small business owner will just ask for file sharing or e-mail, but if you delve deeper, you will discover the client needs more sophisticated technological elements.

If small business consulting clients say they don't need better data security, you need to dig deeper. Find out where they store sensitive information and figure out how to design systems that will work with their particular needs.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101 Blog. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg of Computer Consulting 101 helps computer consultants get more steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for free access Joshua's field-tested, proven Computer Consulting 101 strategies at http://ComputerConsulting101.blogspot.comBee Blog31770
Almira Blog54766

Auto Insurance Center

Are you looking for a great way to compare auto insurance companies and the rates available to you? Then you need to check out the Auto Insurance Center at There are wonderful articles to read as well regarding various auto insurance topics. Find out how to keep your auto insurance rates low and the consequences of driving without vehicle insurance.

The terminology surrounding auto insurance can be quite confusing at times. Auto Insurance Center offers a great section that explains all the terms in very simple language. This really helps to take the complexity out of deciphering the various terms involved with auto insurance quotes and policies.

Hopefully, you will never be involved in an auto accident, but should it happen, do you know what to do? Go through the check list provided on the site to find out what items you need to carry in your vehicle for such incidents as well as the information you need to collect and share. Also find out the process for reporting the accident to the authorities and to your insurance agent.

Auto Insurance Center allows you the convenience of entering all your information and then getting several great insurance quotes. This is the perfect way to find out who can offer you the very best deal on auto insurance without having to spend hours on the phone compiling the information yourself. They feature insurance quotes for every state so you are sure to find the valuable information you need.

If you dont find everything you need at Auto Insurance Center, you can contact them by phone or email. They offer a very friendly and knowledgeable customer service team that can assist you with any questions or concerns. In addition to auto insurance, you will find information on renters insurance, health insurance, and life insurance.

The Auto Insurance Center offers consumers a great one stop resource for all of their auto insurance needs. The site offers quotes that allow you to compare prices, information on getting the best rates, and wonderful articles to help you stay on top of the events taking place in the world of auto insurance. All of this information is free to use, so take the confusion out of your auto insurance needs and start using Auto Insurance Center.

David is the owner of Free Auto Insurance, the BEST site for finding free auto - insurance tips.Beverley Blog56255
Cacilia Blog91052

Teak Patio Furniture - What Makes It So Sought After

When it comes to teak patio furniture, you probably havent heard of it or seen teak patio furniture. That is because most traditional retailers dont sell it. When you go looking for teak patio furniture, you might end up feeling a bit frustrated and overwhelmed because you are stuck with options of pine, or plastic.

Pine Furniture

You will find this furniture is abundant, fast growing, and cheap. Its also low oil so it dries out quickly. Because of that, it needs special, frequent care or you end up having to replace it because of rot or damage caused by insects. You may not have time to properly care for your patio furniture, at least every three to four months, and even then you cant be assured that youre efforts wont be wasted. If this isn't reason enough to seek out genuine teak patio furniture than read on.

Plastic Furniture

Another other option that shows up regularly is plastic. While plastic is certainly an inexpensive option that requires little in the way maintenance, even plastic, while durable, will crack and become brittle.

Thanks For Teakwood

So, now you might be thinking well, there isnt any hope for having good, decent, durable patio furniture. Fortunately you can think again. There is one. Its one of, if not the best material for making outdoor furniture, high in oil and rubber, its teak. Thats right, teak wood makes beautiful teak patio furniture and teak outdoor furniture. Its a wood that can really stand up to the elements and so makes a long lasting, durable piece of furniture. Another benefit is that you dont have to worry about things like refinishing with your teak patio furniture.

Teak patio furniture looks good finished or unfinished because it takes on a beautiful silver patina as it ages and weathers. So leaving it in the elements is no problem, and its highly resistant to rot and insects. Without a doubt, teak is the best choice for teak patio furniture.

Time Honored Choice

There is one thing to consider - quality teak for teak patio furniture isnt grown over night or as quickly as pine for pine patio furniture. It takes almost a generation - about fifty years - for teak to develop into a usable wood. Because of that, teak used in teak patio furniture is limited, as there is a limit to the number of usable teak trees. This adds to the cost of your teak patio furniture and, of course, to the quality appearance of your teak patio furniture.

While traditional furniture retailers are always an option when looking for teak patio furniture, you might have better luck if you purchase your teak patio furniture online from an online teak patio furniture retailer. They will most likely have better prices because they will not have to think about storing the teak patio furniture since, often times, the teak patio furniture will be shipped from the factory.

John StidolphAllx Blog99056
Abbye Blog28528

Are You Famous or Focused?

Are you famous or are you focused? Let's start with "famous". When people look at you, what do they say that you are famous for? Are you famous for procrastinationnegative wordspoor time managementWhat are you famous for?

Let me share with you what I am famous for. I am famous for consistent, structured, focused daily strategies and techniques to live a victorious life. I knowthat is a pretty strong statement! You see, I would rather be "focused" than famous. I am focused on success.

I am focused on assisting you in achieving you dream and discover the greatness that is inside all of you! Forget about being famous, let's be focused. Be focused on your dreamsbe focused on providing for your familybe focused on building a huge teambe focused on Finding Your Why! Let's commit today to become focused and start changing people's lives.

Millions of people world wide watch shows like "Who wants to be a Millionaire" or "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous". The interesting thing is that everyone sitting on the couch with a bag of popcorn watching these shows are broke. Why? Because they are famous for sitting back and watching shows on other people being famous. How about we flick the switch in life from famous to focused.

Stop dreaming of other people being famous and start being focused on your own destiny! You must laser-focus in on your success and demolish procrastination and create action. Demolish resolutions and create results! Let's demolish fear and create faith!

How is this all possible by simply being focused. How do people become gold medalist, super bowl champions, etc? They take charge of their lives, hire a coach and become focused. What are you? Who are you? Where are you going? How are you going to get there? More importantly, why are you not focused?

Those that know their "Why" are very focused. I am focused on my Why of changing lives of Champions worldwide through my coaching, mentoring, seminars and success library and creating massive success in those Champions lives! Do not allow famous to get in your way of being focused. Make a commitment today to forget fame and become laser-focused!

Let's get focused and know your Why! Let's go out and impact the world one heart at a time. Focus creates success and Fame creates problems. It's your decisionbecome focused and live your dream!!!

John Di Lemme shocks millions globally by exposing the truth about how to achieve monumental life success despite the labels that society has placed on you. Through his award winning live seminars, power-packed training programs, live tele-classes, weekly ezine and website (, John Di Lemme has made success a reality for thousands worldwide.Candy Blog86520
Benny Blog70790

How A Business Vision Statement Makes Business Owners Get Out Of Bed In The Morning

Do you just want to pull the blankets over your head in the morning? Is your to-do list running your life rather than a purpose driven plan?

Get a written business vision! When you write your vision down, you will clarify all other downstream aspects of marketing and operations. When you are clear on your customers, scope of your geographic influence and the product and are clear on your future.

Immediately Clarify Your Business Purpose

A business vision is a written statement of your ideal future. It is a clear picture of what you want the business to accomplish. Your business vision represents your final destination. You use a business vision to get you out of the day to day grind by inspiring you. A business vision is several things. It .

-is a confident view of the future.

-excites your imagination of what can be accomplished.

-encourages creativity to achieve what you know in your heart must be achieved.

-is the foundation for all down-stream planning and execution activities.

A Business Vision Statement focuses on Critical Business Activities

A vision statement is your plan for the future. You analyze your activities to see if they get you to your future. Key activities are related too:

Your customers.what market niche will you serve? Write down your description of your target customer. This is your ideal customer and may not yet be true of who you serve now.

Your scope of your geographic influencewhat areas do you want to serve? Write down your geographic coverage area if you are a bricks and mortar business or the languages you support if you are internet based.

Your product or service.Write down a description of what you sell to your customers.

Pull this all together

A business vision combines your customer, your geographic area and your product or service. Write one complete sentence that combines all three elements. It is that easy. Yes, you need to tweak this formula to make it flow together well. But you are now part of the elite group of business owners that have a written business vision statement.

What do you do next?

Write your business vision in your day timer. Post it on your computer screen. Tape your business vision to your bathroom mirror. Review it to see if this reflects your unique way of serving your customers. Make tweaks as needed so you can passionately communicate this to your staff and customers.

When you see that activities dont get you to your future, you change direction. You become confident about making changes that are aligned to achieving your long-terms plans. You become more self-assured when saying no to customers that dont help your long term bottom line. You become upbeat about investing your time or money in training, people or systems that are vital for your business.

Dump Your To-Do List?

No. Align your to-do list to support key activities associated with customers, products and services. Your to-do list must support your critical activities. Do key activities first. This gives you the motivation and the happy endorphins needed to get out of bed in the morning.

A business vision is only a potential future. It is not true of the present. You make it happen through excellent execution of your plans. If you are not clear here you will not be clear in your advertising, on your website, in your proposals and in your time management of self and direction of your employees activities. You will not have identified how your business vision allows you to live the life you dream about. You will not identify what are specific activities and milestones to step you into your future.

You use a vision statement to inspire You and your employees. Write one today.

Rosemary Hossenlopp © 2006 All Rights Reserved

Rosemary Hossenlopp, MBA provides proven business advice to Small Business Owners. If you are ready to start accelerating your business, then we have free tips here. Go here right now. Blog70637
Ceil Blog67760

Advantages and Disadvantages of Broadband Phone Service

Broadband phones, also known as VOIP are catching on faster than ever. And no wonder, since the monthly cost of broadband phone service, including long distance, is probably cheaper than what you pay to your phone company for just a dial tone. Yes of course you need a highspeed Internet connection that you connect your broadband phone to, but a majority of homes have that anyway, so this is just another service that takes a minimal amount of that speed away, and only uses it when you are having an active conversation on that phone.

Yes, broadband phone service is extremely popular. In fact, about a year ago the number of new phone activations in the US that were broadband phones or VOIP phones surpassed the number of new traditional phone services for the first time in history! Yes, there are advantages, as well as some neat features offered by some (not all) of the broadband vendors. But there are also some disadvantages, so lets take a brief look at both angles.

The Advantages

As stated earlier, broadband phone service is significantly cheaper than traditional phone service. Most broadband phone services include unlimited long distance calling in the continental US, as well as locally. With traditional phones, you either pay a huge premium for the unlimited feature, or even with a discount long distance plan, you are still paying about 2.5 to 3 cents per minute (or more) for long distance calls.

There are many vendors and companies offering residential broadband phone service, it seems like everyone wants to get in on this. But from what I have observed, the most expensive place to get it is from your cable company! Yes, your cable company, the same one who provides you with cable TV and maybe also cable Internet service, will typically offer you broadband phone service for almost TWICE what you can get it for elsewhere. It pays to be a knowledgeable shopper!

Yes, almost everyone has heard of Vonage, and this service can be purchased at places like Best Buy, Circuit City, even Walmart. But again, you are paying about 20% more than you need to, if you realized what else is available out there.

For long distance, some broadband phone plans include Canada for the unlimited calling area, and some also include Puerto Rico. Some like Packet8 have separate plans to allow you to call Europe and/or Asia. Be aware of where you want to call and verify if that is included in the carriers plan.

A word regarding the unlimited part its not really unlimited, at least not according to the definition of unlimited that I read in my Funk & Wagnall. Most carriers allow about 3000 to 4000 minutes per month, then they may call you and ask you about such excessive usage, maybe thinking you are a business (higher rate) or using some kind of auto-dialer (a strict no-no).

The Disadvantages

Remember that with broadband phone service, you make and receive you calls via your highspeed Internet connection. You need to have a GOOD connection, not on the fringe areas of DSL. And if all you can get is satellite Internet, then hang it up, because VOIP on satellite is not going to be pretty at all.

Since you are using your Internet connection, it should be stated that if your Internet connection goes down, so does your broadband phone. Thats right, so if you need phone service and your Internet connection is not reliable, you may want to think twice about VOIP phone service.

Do you run part of your business from your home? If so, is fax any part of that? Today, from virtually any carrier on the planet, fax is not reliably supported, sending or receiving, via a broadband phone connection. If fax is important to you, you will want to have a phone line from the phone company dedicated to your fax machine, or subscribe to one of the online fax services.

Broadband phone service can save you a bundle, but you need to understand your usage requirements and needs before selecting which carrier is best. It is more, MUCH more than different carriers just having different pricing. You need to look at the whole package to ensure you are getting what you think you are paying for.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer and long-term world traveler who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about VOIP and a comparison of popular VOIP offerings at his web site at Blog22437
Alfreda Blog64530

How to Apply for a Credit Card Online

Credit cards are irresistible it seems - the majority of Americans own at least one or two each. And it certainly doesn't hurt their appeal that they are so easy to obtain. Here is a guide on how to apply for a credit card online.

First of all, you will want to carefully compare the different credit card offers out there, as they all vary from detail to detail. You must decide what exactly you will be using the card for and how likely it will be that you will pay the balance on time every month. This information will then determine what kind of card is best for you - perhaps one with low APR or minimal extra fees or lots of benefits. Furthermore, you must find out what credit cards you even qualify for in the first place!

The better a credit report you have, the more attractive a card you can obtain. Your credit history is based upon your reputation for paying bills on time and spending money within your credit card limit. Not only will late and over-the-limit fees hurt your piggy bank, ensnaring you in credit card debt, but it will also hurt your integrity as a loan applicant. You may not even be able to buy a car or a house if your credit report is poor. So it's a good idea to order a credit report so you can then know exactly what your options are.

Now that you've done a bit of research and financial planning, you can scout out the various credit card plans available. Once you've found one that suits you, you'll find that applying for it is incredibly easy as you can apply for a credit card online and even get online credit card approval (sometimes even instantly)!

All you have to do is visit the website of the financial institution that carries your favorite card, and then proceed to its convenient, online application. Almost all the major institutions, from Mastercard to American Express, will offer this easy application process. Not to mention, each company website will provide up to date, in-depth information about the plan you are interested in.

Mastercard's website, for example, allows you to fill out a few forms defining what type of credit card you are looking for. Then it will give you a list of all the offers it has that falls in line with your desires. The Orchard Bank Silver Mastercard is built to help those who need to reestablish their credit while the Orchard Bank Gold Mastercard accomplishes the same thing but also allows a cardholder premium benefits! So there's obviously dozens of options for people of many different budgets and purposes. And shopping online is the easiest way to sort through it all.

Chris McCullough is the founder of, a credit card shopping service which allows consumers to shop, compare and apply for low interest rate credit cards online. The leading site offers over 75 different credit cards from Discover, Chase, American Express and other top banks and financial institutions. A free report on how to get the best credit card and avoid common mistakes is available at Blog9606
Ceil Blog3283

Market Cycles: How To Thrive In Different Market Conditions.

Every market goes through trading cycles. There is no exception to this. Be it the Stock Market, The Futures or the Forex market. They all go through different phases. In this brief article, I wish to point out the different phases in the Forex market, identifying which, will help the trader know when to stay in the market and when to stay out.

Range Days: Historically, it has been seen that nearly 80% of the time, the market stays in a range. Range days are when the currency stays at a certain price limit and trades within it. For example, on a typical range day, the GBPUSD will stay within a low of 1.9600 to a high of 1.9675. This maybe the case for a day or, at times continue the whole week before a breakout appears. This is also called as “Calm before a Storm”.

Rally Days: Again, historical studies have proved that the market rallies only about 20% of the time and when it does, it creates new trends and levels. Rally days usually happen when price breaks out of the range and establishes a new high or low.

Strange Days: Strange days are those days when the market hardly moves at all. It is as if the financial world is on a vacation and simply not interested in trading. This is a rare phenomenon, yet is one of the phases of the market. Usually, when a market is well below the usual daily range, it is classified as Strange Days.

Here is a bit of statistics to help understand the market phases better. I have listed below, the 4 major pairs and their daily average range.

GBPUSD - 122 pips Daily Range

EURUSD - 84 pips Daily Range

USDCHF - 96 pips Daily Range

USDJPY - 78 pips Daily Range

In the above examples, when a pair falls below the daily movement, it is considered to be ranging and when it is way below it, it is considered to have entered the unknown land. If analyzed over a week, Range days occur at least 3 times a week. Generally 70-80% of the Mondays are ranging days.

Similarly, Rally days occur when price is above the normal daily range and happens only about 20% of the time in a week. The best day in the week is Tuesday, followed by Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday, historically has had the best rally days.

Again, strange days occur less than often, and when price stays well below the range and when there is little movement. They happen, once or twice a month and are times when one should stay out of the market.

Lastly, I should add that the best days to trade are Tuesday and Wednesday followed by Thursday and the days to avoid trading are Monday and Friday.

Althaf Ahmed has been trading the forex market for 2 years. He runs an educational blog at where he shares popular articles from different authors around the world, provides trading resources and tools, and has a free mentoring program for aspiring traders.Anestassia Blog12568
Beverlie Blog40018

Enterprise Rent A Car

Enterprise is a great choice if you are a college student who needs a car rental to get home for the holidays or to drive home after school is over. Enterprise is the only major rental company to allow people that are twenty-one years of age to rent a car. The other major companies have a minimum age requirement of twenty-five, so choosing Enterprise can be a great idea for those who don't meet the requirements of other rental companies. Enterprise offers a number of options, from small compact sedans to sport utility vehicles.

Enterprise was founded with a simple mission. First, they actually started a whole new area of the rental car market instead of renting cars to folks on vacation like Alamo or on business trips. Enterprise rent a car specializes in renting to people who need a temporary replacement car or a vehicle for a special occasion. This is called long term rentals or replacement rentals.

Enterprise constructs their branches near you that suit your needs. Enterprise has a branch within 15 miles of 90 percent of the U.S. population. Enterprise's entire business is based on customer service and hiring employees that are dedicated to delivering a great customer experience. You can find more about this on .It offers many discounts and an easy rental procedure. You can also find excellent discounts by searching online.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car has been a phenomenal success in the field of rental companies and has provided inspiration to many budding enterprises. The business was started by Jack Taylor as an auto leasing business in 1957. The name was changed by him to Enterprise- Rent- A - Car after the USS Enterprise, which was the air craft carrier which he had served while he had been a Naval Aviator.

The specialization of Enterprise Rent-A-Car is in the insurance replacement market, it has not been strong in the airport market though. The television campaign for Enterprise Rent-A-Car with a car wrapped up in paper and with the slogan 'We'll pick you up' has made the enterprise famous for their offer to pick up the customers and bringing them to the rental office.

The enterprise has other business units too like car sales; this includes the reselling of enterprise used cars, a credit union partnership program that involves the partnership of credit unions with the enterprise to offer used car sales and also get the loans for members sent by them to the enterprise. The enterprise also deals in commercial truck rentals thereby facilitating companies the expansion of their fleets as per their needs.

Nick Falon presents the website on enterprise car rentals It covers services provided by enterprise car rentals.Bernita Blog69684
Beatrix Blog25795

Sony Ericsson P990i: A Business Phone

The Sony Ericsson P990i is designed to be first and foremost a great mobile phone. It offers all the benefits of UMTS including video calling, high-bandwidth multi-media downloads and the ability to browse the Internet with full HTML pages which can be viewed in landscape on the new Opera 8 browser. The P990 is prepared for all major push e-mail clients enabling full e-mail access with attachments, anywhere, anytime.

The Sony Ericsson P990i mobile phone comes with the obligatory MP3 player, and has a dedicated music button on its side to switch the phone over to music mode. The phone also comes with a stereo FM radio capable of supporting 20 different channels, as well as RDS. The Sony Ericsson P990 mobile phone has multiple text input methods enabling it to support all users' needs and preferences. Reading them is made simpler on the large 2.8 inch QVGA touch screen. Multi tasking, being able to browse the Internet, send and receive files at the same time as talking is now possible due to the enhanced capabilities of the new software platform.

Memory has been extended in order to handle all multi-media downloads and e-mail attachments. The P990i now has up to 80 MB user free memory and a 64 MB Memory Stick PRO Duo is included in the box, preloaded with a VPN client and trial version of a virus scan package.

The combination of UMTS and WLAN features of the phone will also significantly improve the efficiency and flexibility of applications such as e-mail, browsing the Internet/Intranet and video telephony.

Callum Liam is the webmaster of, a site specializing in the different genres of mobile Phones, including Nokia Mobile Phones,Motorola Phones, AMOI Mobile Phones, LG Mobile Phones, Sony Ericsson Phones, Samsung Phones etc.Amalle Blog42553
Candace Blog61396

Buying an Ice Machine?

If your typical day consists of having an ice cold drink with your family or a few friends, then you certainly should consider purchasing an ice machine. The quantity of ice cubes manufactured in a normal refrigerator are simply not enough to quench the thirst of the entire family, and this necessitates the need to have an ice machine in the home. The main task of ice machine is to produce an ample supply of ice when you need it. According to statistics, the ice required for average household is 6 oz per 12 oz. drink and 10 oz. per 20 oz drink. Lets also not forget about filling up the ice cooler before heading out for the day. Ice producing refrigerators fail to meet the demand of even a few glasses. This is certainly a sufficient reason why one should make the investment in an ice machine.

There are two varieties of ice machines: aircooled and watercooled. Air-cooled ice machines use air to disperse the heat, whereas watercooled ice machine uses water to do the same function. Air-cooled ice machines use more energy and also are much noisier than water-cooled ice machines. However, they are more affordable than water-cooled ice machines.

Before choosing an ice machine, one must consider the needs and requirements in order to determine the make and model. If the requirement is for a household or a small office, an ice machine with a 25lbs bin will suffice which can handle the rush at lunchtime. One also needs to take in to account the kind of ice that will be produced. The best machines produce ice, which is crystal clear and hard, which has to do with the freezing process and water quality. The ice machine should be compact in size to save on storage space. For the environmentally conscious, there are many ice machines, which do away with CFCs. Try to locate CFC-free R-134a refrigerant in the specifications listed out by the manufacturer. Another feature is an overflow sensor to prevent overfilling.

One important thing that any buyer of an icemachine should consider is the NSF certification. NSF is an independent, non-profit organization that authenticates the claims made by the manufacturers of various products. FranklinChef manufactures high quality, commercially rated NSF ice machines suitable for household, office, bar or restaurant use.

The main benefits of an ice machine are that one can get large amounts high quality ice at any time. Ice from a machine is typically crystal clear, unlike the ice produced in a refrigerator, which is opaque. A filter is recommended to rid the ice or any impurities and to keep the machine clean and fresh. Most ice machines are manufactured from stainless steel making them more durable as well as relatively hygienic and easy to clean.

Hence, while purchasing an ice machine one must take into account the quantity of ice that will be required, as well as the energy consumed and the overall affordability. This will make your experience of buying an ice machine a pleasant one.

One important thing that any buyer of an icemachine should consider is the NSF certification. NSF is an independent, no profit organisation that authenticates the claims made by the manufacturers of various products. manufacture NSF ice machines suitable for household as well as for commercial establishments. To know more about Ice Machines and various Outdoor Appliances visit

JF Host is freelance writer for the appliance industry. For more information on ice machines, please visit Blog94611
Brinn Blog30379

Grant Your Self A Better Education For Less

I'm not going to college because I just can't afford it. How many times do we hear those words form worried high school juniors and seniors. It's no wonder they think like that when tuition fees have been rising anywhere between 2% to as much as 26%. Before we all get lost in the Doom and Gloom there is a lot of GOOD news out there, you just have to know where to find it.

There really is an endless amounts of grants, scholarships and loans (those should be your last avenue), there really is no way a student cannot afford to attend college. Most students will be able to meet the following qualifications for a Pell Grant, (financial need), you must be attending a 4-year university you cannot be an inmate at a federal prison. That may well sound crazy but if your child is in a local penal facilities, they can still receive a Pell Grant. Nonetheless, if you meet those requirements, you are also eligible for the Academic Competitiveness Grants and the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grants.

You must as a high school student, actively participate in math, science, or a language. You can see the curriculum criteria by states at Margaret Spellings, the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, says that the purpose of this program is to involve students in what she calls the global economy of today's world. Math, science and critical foreign language skills are the new currencies.

More than 500,000 students will be receiving these grants throughout the nation which amounts to more than $790 million dollars. The grant payments can be an additional $750 during freshman year; $1,300 during sophomore year; and up to $4,000 during junior and senior year. So lets do some math on the subject, if a student attends a public California university (say UCLA), the tuition fees would be somewhere around $7,000 for an in state student. If that student is granted the $4,000 by their last year, just from the SMART Grant, that leaves $3,000. Now subtract another $1,000 from the Pell Grant itself, and we are left with $2,000 left outstanding to be paid, thats $38.46 per week, not too much for an education.

For those students who have yet to apply for financial aid, visit or call for information on eligibility. And don't worry, these grants are not temporary. The grant amount is said to increase over the next five years.

Carl HamptonAdel Blog52655
Beckie Blog25150

The Dating Cheat Sheet

Getting back in the dating scene should be a gradual one and should be on your own terms. Don't stress about finding someone to intermingle with of interest and not knowing where to look. It's time to take the blinders off . Gabby Love at offers key tips that will guide you in exploring a new arena of life.

Bus Stops / Rail: Hey don't laugh and don't judge. With the gas crunch being the way it is there are all types of people taking public transportation. It's relatively safe and if you are brave enough to look around you may see a real "diamond".

Grocery Store: People have to eat. Now this is the perfect place to meet great potentials. Icebreaker Tip...Ask for help or advice about anything and you will be surprised at how quick a conversation strike up especially if you spy a cutie standing in a long line...go for it !

Airplanes: Hey the gods could really be with you if you are seated next to a great potential interest for a long trip. Both of you are going to the same destination with on the spot customer service from the flight attendant. Take advantage and just may be surprised.

Laundromats: Believe it or not this is a definite favorite of mine since being dressed up is not at all needed. People are relaxed and there is a little time to chat while waiting.

The above are safe and effective ways to intermingle with others without having to feel pressured. Just open your eyes, look around,and smile.

Gabby Love offers in depth reviews and recommendations concerning relationships,sex,and entertainment. Visit some of the sites reviewed by Gabby Love at, , ,and .Anastasie Blog9068
Alexi Blog30192

Things To-Be Remembered On A Cruise

First time cruisers usually have loads of questions creeping in their mind about what to expect. Since it is the first time they are going to take a luxury cruise, we have given vital tips which a novice cruiser is bound to know.

-Check with your cruise line in advance of what features were included in your ticket and what amount is to be given extra. Usually, it depends upon the package which you may purchase before traveling. Generally, the base cost includes your accommodations, activities, meals, entertainment and the use of the facilities available inside the ship.

-Selection of a good cabin should be done based upon the personal choice of the cruiser and its location. The most popular ones are the midship cabins which are less noisy and tend to revert less motion sensations. While booking a cabin just ensure that it is not placed near the kitchen or any noisy area. Most cruisers look out for cabins outside which includes windows and relatively inexpensive upgrade that would help to extend your time in the cabin.

-Usually the things which you need to bring with you depend upon your personal preference. It may vary depending on the cruise line and also the ports you will visit.

In general the important things to be brought are:

a) Documents: Identification Proof of citizenship and tickets.

b) Apparel: Bring your clothing according to the weather conditions of the destination of your travel and also comfortable shipboard clothes to relax.

c) Miscellaneous: Search the Internet for all the vital items to be bought while boarding and also ask your cruise line for a checklist.

d) Medications: Always ensure that when you travel you are having a first aid kit with you in case of any emergency.

When you arrive at the ship you will have to undergo the following check process

a) Luggage: will be given to porters to place it in your cabin.

b) Documents will be verified for entry

c) The ID cards of the shipboard and the cabin keys will be given to the cruisers.

d) Finally, there will be a security screening done.

Once you are inside the ship you will be given a map to follow the directions to your cabin or in some ships there will helpers to lead them to your cabin. Cruise lines will give you and introduction about the scheduled activities and shore excursions. These introductions will have all your doubts cleared.

Cathy Peterson writes about , and Blog25363
Adelind Blog41889

How To Do A Correct Health Insurance Comparison

What exactly should you be looking for when comparing health insurance plans? Of course you will want to take note of how much the premiums are going to cost you. This is usually the first thing that most people look at. You'll also want to take a close look at what the health insurance plan that you're considering covers. Not all plans are created the same. Does it include hospital care? If so, up to how much? Does it include ambulatory care? If so, how much? Does it include prescription drugs? If not, why? Also, if it doesn't cover prescriptions, how much additional would it cost to have them included?

How much is the deductible? The deductible is the amount that you'll have to pay out of your own pocket each year before the insurance company will pick up the tab. An example of this would be, let's say that you took a fall and hurt your arm. You went to the doctor and he wanted to get some x-rays done to see if it was broken. After determining that it was, they placed you in a cast, gave you two prescriptions and sent you home. Three weeks later you get a bill from the doctor and the hospital. The total between the two bills is $1,400. In this case, if your deductible was less than $1,400 then you'd have to pay that amount and the insurance company would pay the rest. If your deductible was more than that amount you'd have to pay for it all yourself.

If you have been looking into getting a health insurance plan for yourself or your family, these are some of the questions that you'll need to be asking, along with many more. Do the proper research before signing anything and make certain that you're are very informed about the type of coverage that is included in your new health insurance plan.

Joe Stewart is a former Life and Health Insurance agent that now provides expert information to others. For more great tips on finding affordable health insurance, visit right now.Anallese Blog19245
Alida Blog9030

Perfect Timing

Lets carefully take a look and examine what it means to be involved with home based business particularly in this day in age. Without all the nonsense and hype that often basks the initiative to get people motivated to join in on an work from home business venture, there are real legitimate reasons as to why now is the best time to get started in this field.

Baby-boomers, are the lead causes of the new growth in making use of the personal computer for work from home business. This probably comes as no surprise to you as you most likely have heard it before. However there are a number of reasons why this growth Is happening more often now than ever before. It will serve you well to pay attention and examine the cause and effect issues that apply.

The most prominent reason to understand in how this will all unfold in deciding to take advantage of the time frame, Is in the need for it. Home based business has long surpassed the pioneer stage, but it is uprising in the new age with a new freshness to it . The network marketers of yesteryear are ever mindful, and paying full attention to these present day circumstances. They know they are literally standing in the perfect place at the perfect time. One of the major principles in network marketing is you can achieve what you want by helping others achieve what they want. Due to the present day circumstances, there has never been a better time to do such.

What makes now so much more pulsating than prior years rest in some very serious concerns baby-boomers are unfortunately faced with. For one, as they reach retirement years, and consider what sources of income will be available for them, the determination to succeed in a home based business or network marketing is born. It is this crucial factor that will carry most participants to their desired destinations for success.

With that in mind lets take a look at another contributing factor, such as the power of modern technology and it's phenomenal effect it has on the situation. With the use of a computer alone you have, high-speed internet access, email communications, auto response programs, free long distance voip telephone services, many interlocking online business-to-business communities, and internet marketing tools that never sleep. People who have a need, now also have use of many powerful tools right at their fingertips.

Now alongside all these wonderful changes in technologies, we also have the other major factors in baby-boomers behavior that contribute to the growing need. In addition to social security retirement being at risk, today baby-boomers are also faced with other major concerns. Health issues are more prevalent, high and outrageous gas prices and commuting are more troublesome, needing attentive elderly care for aging parents is more probably, and the competitive job markets for change most likely is less favorable. Now with all that said, and being that motivation and need have a tendency to fit hand -In-hand very well, what is happening in the industry of Network Marketing is very understandable.

Most people when first starting in network marketing or home based business eventually face moments of discouragement were weighing out the pros and cons and doubts come to surface. This is were and why many people forfeit their dreams and stick their business venture on the back burner until it eventually evaporates. Obstacles and being in unchartered territory were the most common anti-windfalls that struck many in the no-go mode . However with baby-boomers, we have an encouraging age factor of seasonably developed life experienced people. This causes those same stifling obstacles that blocked the path of dreams in the past, to not be as scary or unfamiliar to them now as they once might have been.

What this all means for you or anyone considering home based business as a dependable source of income, is the simple fact that there has never been a more prominent time to get started. Knowing the potency of seasoned prospects with a mind set for need tied into the era of modern internet technology and automated ease, supplies the ability to visualize the prosperous outcome of Being In The Right Place At The Right Time.

Lillie Oliver: Specailizing in Creative communications and Internet marketing. Featuring The Inventive Internet Marketing Systems Virtual Office Space. Designed For Online Entrepreneur Success for Beginners & Seasoned Business Persons.Anthe Blog20513
Cathrine Blog22528

The Spine, Chiropractors, And Children

One of the most vital areas of our bodies that needs daily stretching is the back. The spine and its connection to the brain control every organ and system. It is dependant on water, as the intervetebral discs provide cushioning for our upright frames. The spine is an S curve, which keeps us upright and moves in unison with every twist and turn. When we turn our heads to the right or to the left, our lower back, the lumbar and sacral area, holds steadfast so we dont spin with the movement. When we take a forward step, the spine maintains an opposing force so we dont fall forward.

The back, leg, and neck muscles attach to our hips and shoulders, and to the spine, so they can coordinate our movements. Our nervous system is dependant on the alignment of the vertebrae in the spine, and thus the balance of energy within our bodies.

Chiropractors are trained to manipulate the vertebrae, sometimes too forcefully, but more often through soft tissue pressure. The art and science of this manipulation has been in existence for thousands of years. Chinese records from 2700 B.C. show some of the earliest manipulations, and the Greeks recorded leg manipulations to relieve lower back pain.

In 1895, in the United States, Daniel Palmer first performed chiropractic manipulations on a patient who had been deaf for seventeen years after he felt something change in his back. After manipulating the spine in the upper back, the patient reported that his hearing improved.

What we dont realize or seem to remember, is that we can do many of the same manipulations performed by chiropractors through stretching. We did it as children. We rolled on the floor, brought our knees to our chests, curled into the fetal position, hung upside down from monkey bars, touched our toes without bending our knees, and did push-ups without raising our bellies from the floor. All of these movements have been copied by ancient practices, such as yoga, and helped our backs to remain aligned, strong, and supple.

Of course, as children, we also slept on smaller pillows, exercised more, drank more fluids, and ran on the earth, rather than on concrete. Children today are visiting the chiropractor more often, or worse, having back pain and back surgery because of sublaxations and misalignment. Poor nutrition, soda instead of water, lack of physical exercise, and poor posture are all contributing to the imbalances in our children. Since the spinal nerves connect to all other systems, childrens diseases, physical and mental, are on the increase and the drug industry is flourishing.

More than seventeen million Americans suffer from asthma, approximately 5 million of them being children. The prevalence of asthma in children has increased more than sixty percent since 1982. We blame this on second hand cigarette smoke or increased urban populations. This is partially correct. Children cant breathe because their diaphragms dont expand and their spines are misaligned. The misalignment interferes with the impulses to the lungs, the liver, the intestines, and the endocrine system. Everything in the air becomes an allergen and triggers an asthma attack. They cant breathe because of psychological or spiritual triggers, sending them into panic attacks that the body is no longer able to cope with. Inhalers filled with steroids and bronchial dilators are carried to school with peanut butter sandwiches, candy and soda. Recess is a hand-held video game and after-school activities are bus riding, television, and computer chat rooms.

Adults cant breathe because our pillows and beds are too soft, our diets are poor, our shoes (especially womens shoes), dont support our spines, and we sit at desks or in car seats or sideways on couches.

In the peripheral nervous system, which is made up of the nerves that run from the brain and spinal cord, there are chemical signals that pass between neurons and muscles or glands. These transmitters either activate or inhibit cell functions. ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is treated with drugs that alter the chemistry of these transmitters, the belief being that the problem is in the brain and that the electro-chemical processes need to be changed. Nowhere in research studies is it suggested that spinal alignment, along with proper nutrition, including healthy water, could be the answer to the behaviors associated with ADHD. In other words, children could be hyperactive, because they are not active.

Animals, except those in unhealthy, domesticated environments, dont have asthma or ADHD, although many animals are now starting to suffer from environmental and water pollution. Most animals have straighter spines that dont need to support the weight as humans do, but they still stretch, exercise, and try to drink clean water.

The spine, spinal nerves, and nerve processes dont need to be fused or surgically altered. They need to be open to allow the electrical impulses necessary for life.

Rayna Gangi - holistic health consultant, therapist, author and teacher.Brigid Blog69285
Bellanca Blog52355

Feel Eternal Bliss with Alabama Apartments

What really matters, when you are out on a vacation? Is it budget, leisure, comfort or anything else? Well, you can say it is a blend of all. If you are planning to quench your thirst of irrefutable surprises, you can plan a vacation to Alabama. It is also called the Heart of Dixie, which is another name for Southern United States. A large number of cultural venues make it a preferred destination for many. One among those is Bay fest, a festival that takes place for three days in the downtown, Mobile. It offers a variety of sports and other recreational facilities, as well.

For art lovers, there is an arrangement of panoply arts festival. What else do one need to enjoy a reposing vacation? But, to relish it all you need a place to stay, free of all sorts of disturbance. Keeping a close view to the needs and comforts of the customers, Alabama apartments are configured in order to offer a tranquil vacation. Being a stereotypically southern state, a visit to Alabama is a promising venture for those who want to have real fun and frolic.

The pyrotechnic capital city of Alabama, Huntsville has at its centre Space and Rocket Centre. Full of enigmatic aura and charm, there is no dearth of lakes, gardens and parks. It bids various exciting adventures like rock climbing, hunting, fishing and many more.

With Alabama apartments, you can find a place of your choice and as per your convenience. It is one of the most sought after option for individuals planning vacation. There are a number of reasons for it. First and foremost, the most of Alabama apartments are situated at the heart of the city. Due to which much of your time will be saved. For two to three days, one can think of residing in some hotel. But, when it comes to a week or so, hotels would be an expensive affair. Apart from nominal rates, Alabama apartments will make you feel at home.

Besides Alabama apartments, you can exercise your freedom of choice among various condos, villas, vacation rental and so on. With Alabama apartments, you can have facilities like ample space for yourself and your loved ones, nominal rates, swimming pool, attached kitchen and many more.

You have dual options when it comes to booking. You can either apply for Alabama apartments directly from the owners or with the help of some travel agent. World Wide Web will cater you with some of the most outstanding deals of Alabama apartments. You have to keep at work, your faculty of judgment. Make ample comparisons among the available deals and find the most suitable deal for Alabama apartments.

Thus, plan a vacation with Alabama apartments and relish the beautiful colors and aroma of the spring.

Sylvestor Johnson is offering loan and rental advice for quite some time. He is working as financial consultant for ThinkRentals. To find Alabama apartments, Cabin rentals, Condo rentals, Rental homes, Vacation rentals, Beach house vacation rentals that best suits your needs visit http://www.thinkrentals.comAlfreda Blog15484
Beverley Blog56255

Where Discount Blinds Are Found

Are you looking for window blinds? Of course, window blinds are not expensive compared to designed curtains you can find in the market. Many people prefer using window blinds other than window curtains. Aside from the fact that blinds are cheaper compared to window curtains, it also gives sun protection that a conventional curtain fails to offer.

But no matter how cheap these windows are but if your looking for heaps like for example you have a newly built office and you need bunches of window blinds of course, you need to find discount blinds to slash your expenses.

Now, for example, you have chosen the store where you are going to get your blinds, are you thinking about getting loads and loads of discount upon your purchase? Do you look for any chance to get discounts upon buying those? Most of the people dont think about it but, with the type of living present in the world today, buyers like you must always find a chance to get discounts in everything you spend your money with.

Before you can browse the online shop in the World Wide Web, make sure to check out the nearest store in your area. You can choose the best design and excellent quality in front of you. Of course, a high quality and best brands need not be expensive. Chose the one which can give you the same use but with discounts. Usually, discounts are given during Christmas and during rainy day seasons. This is because you do not need window blinds by this time. So go out and browse the nearest store in your area.

If you are looking for heaps of discount blinds, there is no other shop where you can always find huge amount of discounts other than wholesale shops. Try visiting one of the wholesale shops in your area which sells discount blinds. Of course, if you need many, you will need to have the highest discount you can have. The more you purchase the greater amount of discount you can get. So, the idea of buying solo is not practical this time.

Look for new stores in your area. The fact that they are starting to build name in the industry will make them start with prices lower than the most famous stores. You can also try visiting them and choose which discount blinds suits your need.

Never focus much on the discount you can get. The quality of the discount blind you will purchase must be excellent enough not to make you buy blinds over and over again. Quality should always come first.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on blinds, which ones best suited for your home & blinds maintainence, please visit Blog8049
Ainslee Blog64960

Earn Your Diploma With Online High School Classes

You can complete your diploma with online high school classes. Online classes work well for those who left high school early and need to complete their education, those who want to graduate from high school early and homeschoolers who need a recognized high school diploma.

Left School Early

If you left high school early, you have probably already discovered that you really need a high school diploma. Not having one severely limits your employment possibilities. You cannot enter the military or go to college without a high school education. You're really stuck, and completing your education is the only way out.

You can earn your diploma by taking distance learning classes online. That way, you can take the classes when it's convenient to you. You take the classes by computer, and your classroom is wherever you can access a computer with internet service. You take online high school classes at your convenience and at your own pace. You can accelerate through the classes, or take as much time as you need.

Early Graduation

Most people who want to graduate early want to enroll in college. If that is your goal, e-learning will help you get graduation requirements completed on your timeline. You can accelerate through the required classes and graduate one or two years early. Your home school district may even offer free online classes that will help you graduate early.

If you are hoping to enter college after early graduation, online education allows you to explore college classes at the same time you are completing your high school classes. Even before you are formally accepted into a college, you can take classes online from accredited universities. These classes will transfer to your college after you are accepted.


The rules for homeschooling vary from state to state, but wherever you are, one of the dilemmas homeschoolers face is high school graduation. Few states recognize homeschool courses, so most states won't grant a diploma to homeschoolers. Some homeschools and homeschool organizations issue their own diplomas, but they usually aren't accepted as valid. The military, colleges and employers may refuse to accept a homeschool diploma.

Some homeschoolers take the GED to validate their education. The GED doesn't have the same acceptance as a high school diploma, though.

Online high school classes are a good option for homeschoolers. They can complete the requirements for a recognized high school diploma while homeschooling by using online learning.

Taking high school classes online is a good option for any non-traditional student. It's a good way to complete high school on your terms, in a way that fits into your lifestyle.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online college courses.Agata Blog69806
Adrienne Blog50489

Keywords Are Oxygen - Be Smart About Your Adsense Research Tool

Keywords are oxygen. Your business cannot live on the internet without the right mixture. If you are building a site within your area of expertise you will likely hit the mark with your keyword mix without really trying. It is when you build niche websites outside your personal knowledge base that your hopeful internet empire becomes vulnerable to more knowledgeable, better equipped competition.

Keyword research tools can be evaluated in the three categories where your choice of specific keywords will have the most impact on your online business. These categories are: Adsense, Adwords, and Organic Search. In this article we cover the most desirable Adsense characteristics of your keyword research tool.


Have you ever built an Adsense website based on some list of supposedly High Paying Keywords only to be disappointed by dismal earnings? There are two reasons that can happen. One is that the alluring high Cost Per Click (CPC) number you see is a mirage. An advertiser may have bid that high in the Google system but never pays it because an advertiser only has to pay a tiny amount more than the next bidder to guarantee itself the top position - and that amount is almost always significantly lower than that stratospheric CPC you based your website on.

Number of Advertisers

Another reason for your dismal Adsense earnings, even when the keyword has a legitimately high CPC, is that there are very few advertisers in the Google system paying for that keyword phrase, maybe as low as 5 or 10. Google will fill all 4 or 5 slots in your page's Adsense ad, but chances are that only a few of the very highest traffic sties with proven above-normal Click Through Rates (CTR) will get served those premiere advertisers. Your site is getting the tail end of the advertisers paying much less for more-or-less related keyword phrases that you probably never considered when planning your website.

A top-of-the-line Adsense keyword research tool will solve these problems by providing exactly the information you need to successfully build an Adsense site: (1) the Average Cost Per Click (ACPC) that all the advertisers in the Google system are actually paying for specific keyword phrases, not just the top bidding few, and (2) the number of advertisers actively bidding in the Google system for a particular keyword phrase.


The third element that a top-of-the-line keyword research tool will provide is the number of publishers competing for any particular keyword phrase. Well, you say, they all do that by reporting the number of results pages in Google. That is wrong and misleading. You may have avoided optimizing for some legitimately lucrative keywords because of this bad intel. Here is an example. Search the broad-match keyword phrase "best mortgages" on Google. You will get more than 65,000,000 million results pages returned. Try the exact match [best mortgages] and you still get more than 8,000,0000 results.

Try this eye-popping tip. Search Google with this search term (without the quotation marks) "inanchor:best mortgages allintitle:best mortgages" Now you can see the real number of competitors you would have if you decided to optimize for "best mortgages." Not 65,000,000 or 8,000,000 but exactly 637. The reasoning is that millions of web pages will contain the word best and the word mortgage somewhere on the page, but only a few will use "best mortgages" in the title and in the anchor text linking into that page. Those few are your real competitors, and not all of them will be running Adsense ads. You would never learn this critical information if you are doing keyword research that shows only results returned.

(c) 2006 by Peter Boston. Peter is an attorney, writer, and the editor of Blog68305
Annabal Blog83633

Financing Your College Education

Through all of the ups and downs of applying to college there is one truth you should always remember:

if you want to go to college you will REGARDLESS OF FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCE.

Financing your college education can be the most stressful step in the process, however a little preparation and research make all the difference. The money is out thereyou just need to know where to look.

Scholarships are a great place to begin. The term scholarship does not only apply to aid granted to talented athletes at division I schools (though if you are a varsity athlete this could be an option and your coach is a great resource). In fact, there are innumerable scholarships and scholarship sources out there and you can start looking at any time.

Here are some suggestions for places to start in your quest of financing your college education;

First, look in your community. What activities are you involved in? Do you volunteer with children at a non-profit organization? Are you active within your religious community? Are you an aspiring writer/doctor/researcher? People and organizations are constantly setting up scholarships for future students based on any number of criteria. Ask around your community and look on-line.

Also, your high school offers scholarships for achievement in the arts, sports, or academics or perhaps to a student of a specific ethnic background or some combination of these. Go to your schools college office and ask for a list of scholarships offered by your school and the surrounding community.

Remember that the Internet is a great resource. You can never apply for too many scholarships because you have NOTHING to lose (only money to gain!) and remember that this is money that you will not have to pay back.

The next crucial step towards financing your education is to fill out your free application for federal student aid or FAFSA form. You will need to do this the winter before you plan to attend, so the colleges can assess your need and put together a financial aid package for you. It is recommended that you fill out the FAFSA online.

Make sure to be organized. For example, have your parents there with you because the form will require information regarding their income and taxes paid in the previous year. Also be ready to answer questions about your own earnings.

When your package arrives you will see that it is compiled of two main sections: Grants and loans. Federal grants will be given only to the students with the greatest financial need and does not have to be paid back. There are also loans in your FAFSA, which is money they will put up front for your education, but that you will have to pay back later with varying interest rates. There are options outside of your FAFSA depending on your specific circumstance and the school you plan to attend, (for example private loans) which should be researched by you, your school and your family. Though interest rates sound intimidating, remember that you are attending college to better your future and with that comes a higher income bracket. Remember to be realistic when negotiating a payment plan.

There can be many obstacles when facing your future educationbut remember that financing your college education should never be an insurmountable one. Accept the challenge with an open, organized mind and you will find a way to comfortably finance for your future.

To learn more about financing your college education visit How To Pay Student Loans at

Susanna Rasmussen is a regular contributor to How To Pay Student Loans. To read more articles on how to finance your college education or other college rlated articles please visit Blog84473
Amara Blog25866

6 Most Common Dangers to Roses and Their Fix

Most individuals could not defy a rose's beauty and aroma. These flowers are considered a bit hard to grow, but anybody can begin rose gardening in the convenience of their own backyard.

To be sure that your most treasured roses are in the pink or even red of their health, just follow these tips on coping with every rose health perplexity:

1. Black Spots on Foliage

This disease is usually known as black spot. Black spots occur as circular with fringed edges on leaves. They make the leaves yellow. The answer is to get rid of the infected foliage and collect any fallen leaves around the rose. Artificial sprays may be used to stop or treat this type of rose disease.

2. Stunted or distorted young canes

Called powdery mildew, this is a fungal disease that blankets leaves, stems and buds with wind swept white powder. It causes the leaves to roll and become purple. Spray with an organic antifungal to treat this fungal disease that could destroy your rose garden.

3. Injured underside of leaves

A disease of roses called rust is characterized with orange-red blisters that turn black in the fall. In spring, it blisters new sprouts. This disease can even live through winter. What you can do is to pick up and toss away leaves that are infected in the fall. Organic anti-fungal spraying every 5 to 7 days may help.

4. Malformed or stunted leaves and flowers

What probably caused this is the occurrence of spider mites. They are small yellow, red or green spiders on the underside of the foliage. They suck juices from leaves. The application of a strong stream of water may help in treating this infestation.

5. Weak and blotched leaves with tiny white webs under them

This might be the work of aphids. They are tiny soft-bodied insects that are normally brown, green or red. sometimes clumped under leaves and flower buds, they suck plant juices from the delicate buds. a strong stream of water from a garden hose may help roses to endure these bugs.

6. Flowers that don't open or are distorted when they open.

Thrips could be the cause behind this distortion and unopened flowers. It is defined with slender, brown-yellow bugs with bordered wings flourishing in flower buds. These bugs also suck juices from flower buds. You should cut and get rid of the infested flowers. Using neem oil spray may also treat this problem of your roses.

This important information concerning the diseases your roses are inclined to have will prove to be very helpful in making your rose gardening effort more rewarding.

James Ellison's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. You can learn more of roses by visiting: Blog66221
Anett Blog68683

Increasing Manufacturing Profits Through Precision Pricing

Manufacturers face an array of complex challenges including intense competition, increasing costs, and accelerated product life cycles. Technology investments in enterprise systems such as ERP, SCM, PLM, and CRM over the last ten years have helped to rein in operating costs and increase corporate agility. As adoption of these capabilities has become widespread, they no longer provide competitive advantage. However, the resulting quantity and quality of data they produce have set the stage for business intelligence applications that leverage this data to analyze and optimize business performance.

One of the functional areas best-suited for a quantitative approach is pricing. Data-driven customer segmentation and optimization models can recommend prices that are much more profitable than those currently in market. This pricing science can be easily applied through analytical and execution applications, enabling smarter decisions and better execution across all business functions related to pricing. Given the current state of pricing practices and its considerable impact of financial performance, the potential benefits of pricing initiatives are enormous.

Moreover, manufacturers broad product lines, numerous customers, and negotiated sales model combine to create a business environment that is very conducive to a science-guided approach to pricing. Early adopters pursuit of an intelligent pricing advantage has led to the development of commercial solutions. Having worked with manufacturers for years, Zilliants industry-specific pricing applications provide the fit and flexibility that they need.

Until now, only a limited number of success stories have been made public due to the sensitive and strategic nature of pricing practices. This lack of publicity belies the growing use of advanced pricing techniques and applications in business-to-business markets including manufacturing. As the leading practitioners have achieved significant, measurable benefits, however, more and more manufacturers are investing in pricing-related initiatives. As a result, the industry is experiencing a steep adoption curve similar to what was previously seen in travel, hospitality and retail.

Most manufacturing companies are very familiar with the power of process automation to improve business performance. However, many are just beginning to exploit the potential of applied business intelligence applications that harness data from operational systems to improve decision-making across the enterprise. A few of these companies have embraced sophisticated analysis and optimization systems so deeply that some management strategists have dubbed them analytics competitors.

Regardless of how widespread a companys use of analytics is, using more quantitative approaches to pricing can deliver significant financial gains. Many companies current pricing processes are manual and largely ad hoc, resulting in poorly-priced deals that leave significant margin on the table. In most cases, price, discount, and other margin-driving terms are arbitrarily based on precedent and circumstance rather than empirical analysis and strategic intent. Even companies that apply pricing principles manually, e.g. basic price segmentation, would benefit greatly from more precise price differentiation that can only come from advanced quantitative models and optimization techniques.

Following the example set in other industries such as airlines and hotels, some manufacturers began pursuing pricing initiatives years ago. Their focus has been in two areas: controlling discounting and applying optimization techniques to exploit price elasticity. These early adopters realized that the sooner they started, the greater the financial benefit. In almost every case, these projects have exceeded their projected return on investment, in some cases delivering tens of millions of dollars of incremental profit. Learning of these compelling successes, many more companies in a wide range of manufacturing sectors (industrial, high tech, chemical) are confidently pursuing similar pricing initiatives.

So what are some of the key lessons learned? And why did it take so long for manufacturers to begin to adopt quantitative pricing methods? Answering these questions requires an understanding of manufacturings three most pressing pricing challenges and the opportunities attendant in overcoming them. The answers also point to key capabilities are required to capitalize on these opportunities.

1. Ad Hoc Pricing Facilitates Price Differentiation: Diversified manufacturers typically have extensive product portfolios and very sizable customer bases. After taking into account all price-related variables (e.g. costs, contracts, discounts, volume agreements, customizations, shipping, etc.), the total number of unique prices in market at any one time can easily exceed 100,000. With so many products, exceptions, and changes over time, it is no wonder that manufacturers price points and margins vary widely across their business. In fact, some manufacturers struggle with merely calculating prices that are correct, i.e. are in accordance with their numerous price lists, policies, and contracts, let alone differentiating prices to maximize margins and overall profits.

Fortunately, this complexity can be not only managed, but also exploited. Information systems designed to allow companies to calculate correct prices are widely available, often as functional modules within the order management products marketed by ERP and CRM vendors. Better still are integrated price segmentation, optimization and enforcement applications from best-of-breed pricing application vendors like Zilliant. Their advantage is that they allow manufacturers to operationalize differentiated, profit-maximizing prices by employing science-based segmentation and optimization capabilities.

The scientific foundation of price differentiation is segmenting customers by the price sensitivity and using each price segments unique sensitivity to set prices on future deals. Figure 2 shows examples of how companies have dramatically increased the number of actionable segmentation variables they use to set differentiated prices.

Only by identifying and acting on the variables that most affect customers buying behavior can companies fully capture the value of these purchases as incremental margin on every deal.

2. Better Data Quantity and Quality Available for Quantitative Applications: Managing all of these pricing inputs and calculations typically involves a number of disparate transactional and price administration systems. Additionally, most manufacturers now have some type of customer relationship management (CRM) software in place for managing customer, sales opportunity, and competitive data, adding to the multitude of isolated systems.

Fortunately, while data collection and integration can be difficult, this challenge is now more tractable than ever. Many companies have already rationalized numerous legacy systems into a few data-rich enterprise applications, and have begun to aggregate transactional and CRM data into central repositories. Even when data remains scattered across multiple systems, improved APIs and integration tools have simplified its retrieval. In all, companies now are much better able to aggregate and analyze the data needed to define price segments and their relative profitability.

Even after aggregating all available data, quantity and quality can still be a challenge. Many products are slow moving, producing sparse transactional history. And most companies do not track quotes that do not become orders, valuable data for determining price sensitivity. Overcoming these limitations is crucial to maximizing the profit potential from segmentation and optimization, and is a major advantage offered by Zilliant.

3. Informed Negotiations Increase Profits: Last but not least, the negotiating behaviors of sales personnel and channel partners play a major role in determining the profitability of deal outcomes. Uninformed decisions related to discounts and other costly terms is a major source of revenue leakage in most companies.

The good news is that the most powerful negotiating tool available is information. Giving sales people reasonable price recommendations based on quantitative information about what similar customers paid under similar circumstances immediately improves results. In addition to better market information and price recommendations, incentives also have a powerful effect on sales representatives discipline and confidence. And when management deems that an order deserves an exception to standard discounting policy, the ability to evaluate different scenarios based on their relative profitability ensures must win deals helps limit the overall financial impact.

With a rich pool of data at-hand and proven applications to exploit this data, there is no better time for manufacturers to invest in pricing initiatives. And there is no better partner than Zilliant. Working with manufacturing companies like yours, we have made a significant investment in the products and people that make up our total solution. To learn more about how precision pricing can help you increase profits, please contact us at (877) 893-1085 or visit

As Zilliant's vice president of marketing, Eric Hills is responsible for all Zilliant product and marketing strategies and activities worldwide. Hills brings more than fourteen years of experience at start-up and enterprise software companies. He most recently served as general manager at Siebel Systems where he was responsible for overseeing all marketing strategies for the Partner Relationship Management (PRM) and Incentive Compensation Management business units. Prior to Siebel Systems, Hills founded Austin-based Partnerware Inc. and served as president, CEO and chairman. While at Partnerware, Hills pioneered the front-office application space for indirect channel management. He also worked for Chevron Chemical Company and was an officer in the United States Navy. He holds a BS from Clemson University and a Master's degree in Business Administration from University of Texas where he won the prestigious global MOOT CORP competition. Berna Blog42751
Beilul Blog17263

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